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Sell your business presentation at the office, about how to sell my business or sell my company


Investing. Growing. Empowering.

Our mission is to honor and extend the legacy of business owners.

We want to work with you and grow the business you started.

Flexibility & Tranquility

We want to help you with a transition plan so your business keeps growing. Our goal is to buy and manage a good company whose owner wants to get money while having lesser day-to-day involvement in the business.

Green Capital buys your business, ensuring your legacy is preserved as you begin a new chapter in your life. Unlike others, we bring financial safety, ease, and a smooth changeover shaped to fit you.

Selling your business to Green Capital lets you stay close to your business. It also lets you relax. You'll be handing over your business to a team focused on making a great company, taking care of your workers and customers, and doing good in the community.

Our Mission

Investment Criteria

Sell a business
Sell business


Our team possesses the versatility to invest across a broad spectrum of industries, our criteria:

  • ​Growth industry

  • Lack of dominant competitors or customers

  • Limited landscape risk (technology obsolescence, regulatory risk, etc.)

  • Low operational complexity

  • Profitable, not in decline, attractive to lenders

We have prior experience in the following sectors:

  • Business services (accounting, reporting, operational services, consulting)

  • Travel, transportation & hospitality

Sell my business or sell my company criteria
Sell my business, business model

Business Models

  • Reasonable valuation

  • Strong gross margins and unit economics

  • Recurring revenue

  • Potential for growth via organic sales, geographic expansion, product/service extension, and follow-on acquisitions

  • High levels of cash conversion

  • Long-term sustainable growth

  • Longevity in product/service life cycles, not prone to rapid technological changes or requiring substantial additional R&D

  • Existence or potential for product/service differentiation

  • Stable contractual relationships

  • Attractive characteristics for reinvestment

criteria for buying a busines, buying a company
sell small business


  • History of profitability, generating $1-5 million of EBITDA currently

  • Strong EBITDA margins track record

  • Predictable, stable, and recurring revenue

  • Low to moderate capital intensity, enabling high returns on capital

  • Cash flow and assets sufficient to attract and service proposed capital structure

  • Strong middle management willing to stay after business acquiring

  • Owner(s) selling company for non-business reasons


+1 833 473-3624

+1 (833) GREEN24

Green Capital, search fund, buy a business, buy a small business, buy a small company

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